Rates and Rules


$150.00 per party/minimum of 2 hours

Payable at the conclusion of the mediation

Payment can be made in cash, check, or Venmo but North West Georgia Mediation does not accept credit cards at this time.

Travel time:    Travel to destinations above one hour will be $100.00 per party / per hour of travel after the first hour.

We ask that cancellations be done prior to 48 hours of the time of the scheduled mediation.


Most cases are settled at mediation.  An experienced mediator can greatly aid in avoiding the cost of litigation.

However, for mediation to work, all parties must come to the table with an open mind, in good faith, and the authority to negotiate.  Therefore we require the presence at the table of the person with the authority to authorize settlement.  If this is not possible, please be sure to make alternate arrangements with your mediator.

If you have questions about the general rules of mediation see the guidelines here.

Mediation is required in all civil cases before a final hearing is scheduled.  If your case is domestic in nature, you MUST complete the family violence screening tool.  Find it here.